Providing opportunities
Being aware of ourselves and providing opportunities for others

Education and Opportunities for the less fortunate
One of our key CSR initiatives is to support education for less fortunate children. We believe that education is a fundamental right and the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. By supporting education, we are investing in the future of these children, and in turn, the future of our society.
Our donations have helped build schools in Indochina and India to provide a place where children can start having an education, funded a children’s medical fund which provides lifesaving operations for children on the edge of society unable to access state help as well as provide student learning materials and teaching materials) for Kayin State Schools in Myanmar. Organizations that we currently support include:
Global Warming Issues
We also recognize the importance of addressing climate change and reducing our carbon footprint. We strive to be carbon neutral and actively seek out investments in renewable energy and other environmentally friendly projects. We believe that by taking a proactive approach to reducing our carbon footprint, we can help to create a more sustainable future for all.
Case studies

BEAM Education Fundation - Sustainable Social Change Through Education
Established in 2010, BEAM Education Foundation aims to empower Myanmar migrants and marginalised ethnic youth in Thailand through education programmes, facilitating access to and participation in Thai social and economic life.
To sustain their lives and escape oppression, poverty and unemployment, Myanmar and ethnic minorities are driven to migrate internationally to bordering countries with Thailand being the largest source of labor flow and opportunity. Upon arrival, they are subject to abuse, segregation and meagre job prospects.
To address these challenges, BEAM strategically provides essential education programmes and systems designed to equip migrants with the knowledge, qualifications and support they need to switch from 3D (dangerous, dirty and demeaning) jobs to higher quality employment and a better life.
Child’s Dream Foundation and BEAM Education Foundation have been strategic partners since 2015. Our goals and mission continue to align as we work together to empower the lives of marginalised communities.

Children’s Medical Fund (CMF) - Reduce childhood mortality and long-term disability in remote Myanmar and Laos
Established in 2006, CMF provides access to life-saving operations and medical interventions for infants and children. In promoting the health service, we prioritise treatments of congenital disorder as it is one of the leading causes of the nations' child mortality and the surgical procedure is normally expensive and complex that the majority of the families cannot afford the necessary medication, let alone the costly operations.
With approx. 150 patients annually, our targeted beneficiaries are children aged 0 - 12 who have been diagnosed with cardiac disorder, anorectal malformations, and neural tube defects. Without access and financial support to quality health care, many of these children either die prematurely or crippled by disability, and are unable to attend school, perpetuating the cycle of poverty.

Karen Education and Culture Department - Promoting quality higher education across Karen state, Myanmar
KECD is a non-profit which oversees Higher Education activities and development in Karen State, Myanmar. The communities would have no access to education after high school without this programme, and therefore, would not be able to produce educated leaders capable of solving their society’s problems. KECD oversees the development of staff and school campuses as well as ongoing operations of the schools. KECD fulfills the same basic role as any department of education would in a stable government.
KECD develops and implements an education system and resources which prioritise integrating Karen Language, history and ethnic identity into the Burmese-Language curriculum, so as to promote the right to mother tongue education.

Project Anando
Project Anando provides holistic support to selected probable rural secondary school drop outs to complete their secondary education through academic & all-round personality development. First generation learners and their families are supported to take informed career choices that will enable them to break free from the generational cycle of poverty.
The partnership with NT Asset began in 2017 with 70 students and by 2022 the support was extended to over 430 students across Raigad & Nandurbar Districts, Maharashtra State. Maximum supported students belong to the tribal community (48.6%) where the family income is below Rs 2000 pm. From these, 85.2% students are pursuing their higher education and 7% students are now gainfully employed -their individual incomes ranges from Rs 5000-15000+.

Over twenty years ago, acclaimed Japanese photographer Kenro Izu visited Siem Reap to photograph the temples of Angkor. The poverty he saw shocked him. He vowed to set up a hospital that would ensure all children could get the healthcare they need. In 1999, Angkor Hospital for Children (AHC) was born.
Healthcare in Cambodia has improved significantly since AHC’s gates opened. However, a child born in Cambodia is five times more likely to die before their fifth birthday than a child born in a high-income country. The children from the poorest families are at the greatest risk.
To improve healthcare for every child, we:
- Provide specialist care for children with chronic, rare or acute conditions
- Improve healthcare for children across Cambodia through education for health workers, community members and parents
- Run a strong, transparent and locally-led organization
With the support of our dedicated partners, donors and supporters we aim for every child in Cambodia to get the quality compassionate medical care they need, wherever they live and whatever their ability to pay.